Shadow Temple´s chronicles

Gheh... this web site constructing stuff isn´t as hard as I thought it would be. If you´re concidering to construct your own site (if you´re not a site keeper already you should know the following golden rules.)

1. Plan ahead, a good programmer always does that. Without atleast some kind of plan you´ll end up with a chaos soon.

2. Plan a strict time line with the coding. Don´t rush. Even if you work day and night a good site will take at least a month. (My site´s coding took over two months and it´s still unfinished.)

3. Don´t forget to get some sleep in the meanwhile! While programming you easily tend to lose track of time: intended hour easily becomes six. (I once woke up staring at the computer screen 3:00 Am in the morning.)

4. However if you still wanna try the programming the hard way I suggest you get yourself shiploads of hot coffee and a big jar of heartburn medicene.

5. Oh yeah... get an instruction booklet and read it through until you know the basics by art. You´ll learn advanced tips over time.

6. It´s okay to make mistakes while coding but a good programmer learns from his/her mistakes. And don´t stare at the booklet all the time!

Well, this site is relatively new so don´t expect anything too fancy. Except maybe a few laughs at my expanse thanks to the stupid grammar errors all over the site. If you spot a grammar error(s) please tell me at once for everyone´s convenience. Now to the site´s short and somewhat meager history:

Tue 5.5.1998: Site was officially registered to Fortunecities. I debugged 500 lines of code. Now about half the code is still unchecked. (I had to guzzle three cups of black coffee to stay awake. Consequently my stomach turned upside down.)

Wed 6.5.1998: A welcoming letter arrived from Fortunecity via E-mail. (I´m pissed off as hell because I got drenched by a hard rain on my way home from school. Nothing more intresting happened today.

Thur 7.5.1998: Incredible... it rained harder than yesterday. And I think I´ve caught a cold. This day isn´t anymore intresting than yesterday. (Personal note: I had to suspend my Final Fantasy 2 section for now. Oh and uh... HEY! Where the HELL is my coffee cup?!)

Fri 8.5.1998: I was going to upload the site to the server but that ¤#"!!¤&¤%%¤%#¤%#"! server refused to co-operate.

Sat 9.5.1998: I found a hit counter for my site and the site´s finally up´ n runnin´.

Mon 1.6.1998: Yahoo! The summer holiday; the thing we´ve all been expectin´... right?! Now I can spend more time updating my site and trying to find secrets on FF VII. (It never seems to get boring.) Well anyway I´m off to get a sun tan!

Thur 25.6.1998: Chrono Trigger walkthrough is complete, finally. Now only FF III and VII are left.

Fri 14.8.1998: I´ve added the "Materia Growth" and "Getting singled out" to Final Fantasy Forum, enjoy!

Sat 15.8.1998: I slammed the final nail on the matter "Resurrecting Aeris" in the Final Fantasy Forum, see details yourself.

Wed 23.9.1998: I´ve established my own mailing list at Http:// (E-mail to the list by [email protected].

Sun 25.4.1999: A system error misplaced my Final Fantasy 7 files. It´ll take a while to get it up ´n runnin´. (Sigh... oh well life´s tough from time to time.)

Important notice! A system error has wiped out some html-files concerning FFVII It´ll take time to get the damage fixed. So I´m closing the section down. Sorry.

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