Well...this is a problem. See Chrono Trigger doesn�t have a real storyline. Too bad, I missed a strong preface
by Nobuo Uematsu that assures me that the world is on a collision course for destruction and that I�m the only one who can
prevent it. Although it�s a bit shame that there�s no preface the game is fantastic!
"A story for adults and children"
I remember when we traveled to France last summer. There I stumbled on to a wonderful anime series called
Dragon Ball Z. I guess you could call it love at first sight; it had everything, that I like about animated series. I got at
7:00 AM every morning and sat quietly on a couch eating croissants and drinking cappucino. Okay now to the game. Chrono Trigger is
a near-perfect Rpg. Time traveling was a fantastic idea and the new battlesystem works almost flawlessly. Plus the combotechniques
work better than expected. A true Rpg classic. However it doesn�t reach the level of Final Fantasy 3.
93% In the number scale for CT.
Chrono Trigger is worth of

Music evaluation
Because I have too much music I�ll only evaluate the following themes: Character themes, Field themes, Battle themes
and of course the end music (liked it or not.)
Crono�s theme:

Marle�s theme, a distant promise:

Lucca�s theme:

Frog�s theme:

Robo�s theme:

Ayla�s theme:

Magus�s theme:

Schala�s theme:

A.D 1000 theme:

A.D 600 theme:

Battle theme: Singing mountain (unreleased):

Battle theme: Normal:

End music:

Squaresoft�s Nobuo Uematsu is a master when it comes to music.
Click here for Chrono Trigger music gallery!
Click for Chrono Trigger character profiler!
Click here for Chrono Trigger pictures!
Click here for Chrono Trigger fanart!
Click here for Chrono Trigger Walkthrough!
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