Long ago the war of magi reduced the world into scorched wasteland and magic simply ceased to exist.
1000 years has passed...
Iron and gunpowder are rediscovered and high technology reigns.
But there are those who would enslave the world by reving the dread destructive force known as "magic".
Can it be that those that are in power are on the verge of repeating a sensless and deadly mistake?
"The grand finale"
Final Fantasy 3 is the best Rpg ever made for Snes. The plot is incredible. It�s going to take a lot more 24 hrs
even for an experienced player to play it through. When I first played Final Fantasy 3 I played it from 20:00 PM to 6:30 AM.
Even after that I had to play atleast 50 more hours before the game was played through and I enjoyed every minute of it.
At some point of the game I didn�t know whetever to be sad or happy. I thought that the fun stops at the very day when the
Rpg of all times is played through. I was wrong fortunately. I find secrets from FF 3 now and then and about the "Rpg of
all times" check out Final Fantasy 7! Regardless of the number of the price tag Final Fantasy 3 offers surprisingly much
fun. I still play a lot of Final Fantasy 3 from time to time.
96% for FF III. The best Rpg I�ve played so far.
Final Fantasy 3 is worth of

Click here for Final Fantasy 3 character profiler!
Click here for my very own special tips on Final Fantasies II and III!
Click here for Final Fantasy 3 pictures!
Click here for Final Fantasy 3 fanart!
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