A desperate struggle to determine the planetīs future...
Countless white stars light the sky, suddenly the only thing that shines in the darkness is a large pair of green eyes. They soon turn out to belong to the young and beautiful Aeris who rushes out from a omnious alley in Midgar. As the camera zooms out youīre suddenly observing the huge building complex from above. As the camera zooms in to a train station youīll see that there are members of the rebel group AVALANCE heading to the reactor. About fifteen minutes later Mako reactor No.1 is destroyed in a massive explosion. Cloud Strife, a cold- hearted mercenary was responsible for this. Can Cloud and his friends save the planet from the destructive Shinra syndicate? Or perhaps even a greater force is at work here? Cloud and his friends embark on a journey that will not only change their lives, but the lives of everyone in the universe forever! When I first played Final Fantasy 7 I couldnīt belive it: The preface already was nearly too good to be true and I canīt remember how many times Iīve watched it after that. All the 9 nine main charecters in the game have a purpose (10 if you count Sephiroth.) Even the side persons donīt seem like filling. I now realize why Square needed nearly three years to complete FF VII. one of the main reasons is that all the main characters have detailed pasts and theyīre used as mid sections between the game. If the stunning graphics makes you start playing the thing that keeps you playing is the absorbing plot. The CG-sequences are veery eye-pleasing. But even FF VII isnīt all praises: One thing that bothers me most is the death of one of the main characters and seemingly there isnīt a way to revive her. But thatīs more than enough abuses. In short FF VII is the best RPG ever made. Square has once shown that it dominates a genre thatīll soon take over the entire world.
Iīll give Final Fantasy 7 98%. "A story that you would never want to end."
Final Fantasy 7 is definethly worth 

Music evaluation
Aerisīs theme: 

Aerisīs theme is very beatiful, too bad that itīs mostly played in the sad parts of the game.
Tifaīs theme: 

Tifaīs theme is nice and slow tempo.
Barretīs theme: 

Barretīs theme is OK but I still donīt fancy it too much.
Red XIII theme: 

Nothing too unusual here either.
Cidīs theme: 

Cidīs theme isnīt played too often but I donīt mind too much.
Yuffieīs theme: 

Yuffieīs theme fits to her personality: the music suggests that Yuffieīs up to something sneaky.
Cait Sithīs theme: 

Cait Sithīs theme is only played once or twice but I donīt mind too much.
Vincentīs theme: 

Vincentīs theme is suits him: dark and gloomy.
Sephirothīs theme: 

Sephirothīs theme always gives me the creeps. Itīs doing what itīs supposed to.
Bombing mission: 

This music is fast and uptempo, too bad that itīs played seldom.
Battle theme: 

The battle theme is good if you donīt specifically pay attention to it.
Boss battle: 

Better than in other FF games.
Turksīs theme: 

When this music is playing trouble is to be expected.
Overworld theme: 

This field theme is exceptionally good.
Hurry up!: 

this music is a hint that youīre in a rush.
Jenovaīs theme: 

Do I like this one? Maybe, do I hate it? No, itīs as simple as that.
The music when Cloud and Aeris are on their date: 

This is one my favourites; when you hear it youīll understand why.

Okay, itīs a another variation of Aerisīs theme, but I still like it.

This is a very lenghty song (not to mention good) but so are the credits, no wonder.
Nobuo Uematsuīs music is unbeatable! I can hardly wait for FF VIII!
Final Fantasy 7 Character profiler!
Final Fantasy Forum renewed! Now also tips on Final Fantasy 7!
Final Fantasy 7 Picture archive!
Final Fantasy 7 Music gallery!
Final Fantasy 7 Fanart! (Iīve shiploads of it!)
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